Just write something …

Why are we so obsessed with Alien creatures ?

Posted in Uncategorized by dearestfriend on July 29, 2010

Alright, It s hangover after seeing Twilight:Eclipse. Though I must confess i retained it for very long. For few weeks now.

I was the one who suggested to go to Twilight movie as it seems quite a rage. I was bit wrong i guess. I hadn’t seen previous two versions. So I just couldn’t get awed much and felt the awkwardness of trying to understand this vampire stuff. I have no interest in this topic. I just find it bizarre to say the least.

My husband was so disturbed to see my recommendation faltering yet again. He thinks my movie taste is as bizarre as vampire topic itself.. Well this time I could defend it.

Yesterday we caught Avatar on DVD. I know It will be unfair if I didn’t give credit for special effects. But again I was forced to think, whats it with the Alien creature that Hollywood is so fascinated about. For my mind, it doesn’t create any interest. I would rather watch a standard Bollywood boy-meet-girl story than watch some aliens jumping here and there like monkeys.

I know movie lovers may be offended by my this explanation, but I really think alien topic is way too bizarre than watching some true documentaries.

What do you guys think of this trend of alien oriented movies?

Are women really wired to cry more often than anyone?

Posted in Uncategorized by dearestfriend on July 28, 2010

Alright!! I must confess I am writing this post because I want to be regular to my blog. I really love reading blogs, And eventually want my blog to be popular too..

With that said, the reason of writing the post is stated. However choice of topic is not in my hand. I seem to be having “Crying Day” Term I picked from one of the post I read about crying.. Suddenly since yesterday I am so overwhelmed taking care of whining and somewhat sick toddler, that I am crying for almost no reason. I always thought post partum blues were crazy description. I never felt something when I had my child for few months.. Then it started kicking in once in awhile. So eventually I surrendered and realized , it indeed is for real.

I was so in much into crying that I was crying all the way through my drive to office for no apparent reason. Cant even blame it to spouse ;-). He hasnโ€™t done anything crazy to add to this.. Then when I came in office , I thought of googling the topic, why women cry. I got several interesting posts. I will post of all the links just to let everyone go through detailed and honest posts.

Here is my take after reading all the below posts.. Women may be more wired to cry than man, But that doesnt make them any less strong. How you express certain emotion doesnt decide how far will you go in your quest for something. I feel Men and women are equally wired to aspire ambitions, happiness and other facets of human life. You may decide to go from place A to Place B in cab and other one in a train, does that make detination any less important for either one? No I guess. With that I will leave you with abstract below. I feel it explains the propensity to cry in women somewhat.


(Copied the following abstract from Positivethoughts.com site as above link)

Why do Women Cry?
A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman,” she told him.
“I don’t understand,” he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, “And you never will.”
Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?”
“All women cry for no reason,” was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.
Finally he asked God. He said, “God, why do women cry so easily?”
God said:
” When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed.”
“You see my son,” said God, “the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart – the place where love resides.”

Fauji .. A fond memoir

Posted in Chit-Chat,Uncategorized by dearestfriend on May 8, 2007

Well This is childhood memories rewind session ๐Ÿ™‚
Yes it goes back some 10-15 years, when we had just one channel on Indian television scene. Our good old DoorDarshan.. Everything from colorful ‘ Chitrahaar’ to dry ‘Samachar’ to awsome ‘ Salma Sultan’ to ‘Bikram Betaal’ to ‘Heman and the Master of Universe’ to Sunday evening Movies ..All hold special places in my kiddy heart. I was, I guess a TV fond kid like any other average kid. Until Cable channel came and ruined all the fondness about it.. They oversupplied us with movies, Ads, exposure , cheapness, Blatant news and lot more.. Everything was just too much..So eventually i grew out of Idiot box and stopped watching it almost. Those Sass -bahus serial and K-series by some idiot person were last nail in the coffin of my TV viewing.
Now with my coming to US, it all has gone still down only. I am sticking to my occasional TV channels, Discovery, national geographic, Travel Channel and CNN i guess. I donโ€™t give more than 30 minutes of each day.. So I donโ€™t feel so idiot about it.
Whenever someone asks me, why you dont have Indian channels at home. I am like, I am still waiting to miss Indian TV. So far I have not in last few years. When I would miss that Blatant dose of confused entertainment. I would go ahead and Get the Dish places in my patio. Till then I am happy watching Seinfeld, Charmed, Simple Life, History Unfolded, etc.

Well Now coming back to what inspired this post. As a kid, I remember being crazy about ‘Fauji’ serial. Yes it was Shahrukh khan’s first TV debut. And pretty hit one. I remember we always cribbed in school and college that they never replayed the serial. Some rumored that Shahrukh bought the broadcast rights for it or what not. I didn’t go in detail to find it. This weekend while buying Indian groceries, I peeked in DVD section to avail ‘Free DVD rental’ They were offering on certain amount of bill. To my pleasure I saw DVD volume for Fauji serial. I was thrilled to know someone had made it available on DVD. Though I could only find vol 2 , volume 1 was missing. I thought of still renting it and refresh some old memories.
Yesterday evening I sat to watch it with lot of eagerness.
It started, and within 10 minutes of viewing it. I realized I had overgrown my TV shoes. I mean I never I wouldn’t like it. Not that something was bad. The same Abhimanyu Rai , “I say Chaps ” Guy. Lt. Varun Chauhan. and Abhi’s Gf they were looking stupid novice actors to me. And to my worst self, I hated the set up.
I mean it was just too real for Indian Army. Being a kid to an Army Man,i very well know what set up we get in my dad’s office and the residential quarters. Luckily my dad was not some high rank official during my childhood. So I know what it is for medium and low rank people. It is pretty humble and struggling.
I should n’t be saying it but I was put off by the set up. I thought If you compare it with those Saas – bahuu set up , you will find it some servant’s house set up. But then in those time, people probably wanted to pose the right picture. Hats off to the Director, who stuck to originality. But to me it was something, I didnโ€™t realize I would find odd.
I switched off after 15 minutes. I was too occupied in knowing that .. Our preferences gets highly manipulated by our circumstances.. I mean back as a kid, I never found that set up to be annoyingly true. I was too happy seeing the overall deal.. Now As a grown up and as NRI I am finding it disturbingly true. I am still coming to the terms that I could not tolerate to see it more. I mean serial was amazing. Shahrukh acted too well for a starter, theme was too natural and well directed. But My memories part of it was disturbing to me..

SpiderMan III – My take

Posted in Uncategorized by dearestfriend on May 4, 2007

Its really bad ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
So Bad that I am thinking what i liked in last two. I loved all characters specially in II sequel. This one is more humane and more average. when you like a screen idol like spiderman, Batman or superman. You dont want them to behave like average people.
You dont want them push their gals, or fall prey to jealousy or go asking help to their on and off frends. SO this spiderman disappointed me .
I thought he had lost his fire. May be that explains why director said he won;t make any spiderman IV . Probably he shouldnot.
couple of loopholes in movie…

Director cannot make his mind over what to do with Peter’s old time pal Harry. Sometime he ‘s fighting, sometime he’s helping him. So in conclusion, he turns out to be fickleminded half villain half buddy character. Which often bad for audience. They either want to relate or disconnect from a character. No one wants to be hanging in between.

Mary Jane. Is of as always little significance. But I think this time , she is more often addressed as Mary Jane. I mean why not name. at least I founf it irritating. She looked awsome in openign Broadway show. As kristen can look. There were few mishap in her plot as well. She finds herself struggling an identity crisis. She does find herself more comforted in Harry’s copany . Which is a fresh change.

Granny is always graceful. Though she gets lesser screen time this time. She does manage to throw nice line . “A man needs to put his wife before himself” Beautiful. Only if it was reality.. But we all love perfect impractical lies .. So I caught on this line ๐Ÿ™‚ may be could passover to my kids ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now number of villains this movie has , can really create headache for you. There are mish -mash of 4 villains. Harry, Flint , Eddie and Spidey himself.Eddie is fresh face.. Though his overall impression falls short of new start.
SandMAn was done in beautiful effects. But after a while it was not fun. It was buggy.. There was never a rational reason for it to go back and forth in Marco’s body..
even Marco’s presence itself seemed not so well placed. It looked director just used him to fill the gaps.
I didnt like the punch line at end.. “We all have choices”
Yes we know that.. then what.. I mean its nowhere compared to past quotes..
I think Sam Raimi is of right mind, not to make another remakes.. He needs a break to come out of all Spidey things. One spidey was .. two – three.. were over kill.
Yes I forgot to write about that symbiote kind material, which turns Spidey into bad guy. and then later it changes Spidey’s rival photographer Eddie into spidey look like villain. That looked like lack of innovation. Cann’t we think of more different opponent than spidey himself.
If you decide to watch it… Just dont dont Focus on Spidey when tries to do hip – thing.. He looks complete out of synch..
I would give 2 out 5 *****..

What I don’t want to be …

Posted in Uncategorized by dearestfriend on April 12, 2007

Often we spend lots of our time thinking what I want to be, where I want to be, am I going in right direction.. Is my life leading where I want it to.. etc etc..
Very small part of our time, if at all we do.. think a bit what things we immediately disliked in others.. And I am sure we often forget to cross check within us, if we ourselves have those dreaded attributes..

I realised that way back.. when I read John Gray’s “Seven Habbit of Highly effective people”.
If you havent yet.. Do grab a copy. It’s worth reading and re-reading.. I read it some 4-5 times.. and still reading it 6th time.. Every time I read I wonder How true eveything is.
In one of the chapters, He asks to imagine you attending your own funeral..and just wander around to hear what people are talking among themselves..
Than imagine what we would want people to talk about us, when we are no more.. That s where your vision of life should come from. Amazing and beautifully put I guess.
So once i realized, its worth to think on those lines.. I broke it down to small steps.. First to know what I dont want to be.. second what I am already.. What of it I want to continue having..what of It I want to drop…

So the very first step..
What i dont want to be.. (this list keeps adding as and when I find some attributes which i dislike immediately).. Over the time I have developed the habbit, of not disliking people.. but their behaviourial attributes.And I guess it helps to like more people..
so there goes my list..

– cribbing and sulking old woman…
– un-appreciative relative
– judgemental
– person with short temper
– Person who care too much about money
– someone who cannot crack one joke a day
– someone who cannt tolerate bitterness
– a person without compassion
– who has no heart to do charity
– irresponsible employee
– unavaible friend
– unloving spouse
– too busy to see what a kid has to show
– person with no time to pray
– a guilty offspring , who has behaved bad with his parents
– a person who have no time to water her plants and talk with them ๐Ÿ™‚
– too busy for creative arts
– not be able to do pedicures ๐Ÿ˜‰
– person who does n’t love movies, laughters,giggles and unstoppable giggles. ๐Ÿ™‚

My fav poems

Posted in Uncategorized by dearestfriend on March 23, 2007

This is my all time favorite poem. And Guess what this is really true.. Once you follow it, You get lot of peace inside.

Anyway – a poem Mother Teresa
A poem hung in the Calcutta orphanage

People are unreasonable, illogical, self-centred
… love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives
… do good anyway.
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies
… be successful anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow
… do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable
… be honest and frank anyway.
People love underdogs but follow only top dogs
… follow some underdog anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight
… build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you try to help
… help people anyway.
If you give the world the best you have, you may get kicked in the teeth
… but give the world the best you have
… Anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.